Fire emblem fates anna
Fire emblem fates anna

fire emblem fates anna

  • Corrin: I liked the flowers you offered me, so I paid you fairly for them.
  • I'll return your money, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
  • Anna: A merchant who has to lie to her friends to make a profit isn't worthy of her job.
  • Corrin: Why did you decide to come clean? You could have kept quiet about all this.
  • Anna: You see, I thought.if I pretended to be my sisters, I could keep selling you flowers.I'm sorry.
  • When it comes to making money, some of my ideas can get a little.shady. the Annas who sold you the first flower and the second flower.were both me.
  • Anna: I do have many sisters that look like me and share the same name, but.
  • I wasn't being completely honest the other day.
  • Anna: Corrin, thanks for taking time to talk with me today.
  • Now then, back to business! Would you like to buy a flower from me? You haven't bought one from me yet, after all. Now that you mention it, I feel like I've seen you in many different places before.
  • Anna: Don't worry I'm the Anna you saved from the brigands.
  • Corrin: What?! Wait.wait just a second.
  • There are many, many Annas, just like me, all over the world. We all look the same, have the same name, and do the same job.
  • Anna: This might come as a shock to you, but.
  • Corrin: You know how! You told me the other day.
  • It means "good fortunes," and good things will happen to me if I have a bunch, right?
  • Anna: It might seem like your average, ordinary flower, but it's not! Its name.
  • fire emblem fates anna

    Anna: Huh? I definitely didn't ask you.Oh, I just remembered! I also have something amazing in stock.I'm having the most intense feeling of déjà vu. No, I'm fine in the armor department too. I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're set, you don't need any. Corrin: Hrm? Like I mentioned the other day, I'm all set for weapons right now.

    fire emblem fates anna

  • Corrin: You know what? Sure, I'll buy one.
  • Anna: So.have I piqued your interest? Would you like one?.
  • If that's true, it certainly would be amazing! The more of these you have, the more good things will be drawn to you.
  • Anna: So glad you asked! It's the meaning behind this flower's name––opulary.
  • Corrin: It's extraordinarily beautiful, but what makes it so amazing?.
  • I know! I also got something totally new and truly amazing!
  • Corrin: I just got this armor last week.
  • Corrin: New weapons.? Sorry, but I think I'm all set with weapons at the moment.
  • I'm glad I ran into you! I just got some nice weapons in.

    Fire emblem fates anna